For the last few days, Rakesh Kumar was looking very sad when his friend asked him why are you sad, he shared one of his miseries on WhatsApp. She has gone and she is very upset, she did not say anything collectively but whatsapp she put her whole heart statement in front of everyone and she also Or that they want to move forward in life, but they do not get any chance to move forward in their life, when they look for an opportunity, some such girl comes into their life and again they fall in love. Always goes on and Rakesh Kumar ji is very unhappy that he shared his grief over whatsapp and requested people to stay with him And never leave him because he is so much upset that he is not even able to apply WhatsApp status nowadays, by putting him on his WhatsApp status, he informed everyone and shared all whatsapp peers as his family is

Rakesh Kumar ji has also said that people come and go in the world but we should not tell him his grief, we should leave his sorrow and move forward and maintain our dignity and respect should not bow down to anyone because in life Rakesh ji informs everyone that girls are like trains, one comes and one goes